With the Whisperer War upon them, the collective communities must come together and possibly sacrifice all they have to find a way to silence the Whisperers once and for all.
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Season 10 recap through episode 16.
- Alpha led the survivors to an underground cave filled with walkers. Talk about intense trying to find a way out in the darkness.
- Negan gives Alpha a tip on who the mole is… and gets a “Crass Reward”.
- Jerry’s stuck trying to get out of the cave, but he manages to squeeze out.
- Carol discovers she not exactly great at handling explosives.
- Mary the Whisperer comes to Hilltop.
- Gabriel gets the truth out of Mary about her killing her sister.
- Daryl and Alpha rattle it out.
- Beta invades killing Hilltop folks and coming after Mary.
- Mary is trusted and leaves with others after the attack.
- Rosita accidentally messes with Eugene and Stephanie.
- To prepare for the Whisperers, the kids are sent away… but the path has been blocked.
- Romance blossoms as Carol and Ezekiel kiss.
- The Whisperer war rages.
- Negan grabs Lydia for Alpha.
- Lydia was only bait so Negan could kill Alpha.
- Turns out, it was all for Carol. She sent Negan to kill Alpha.
- Michonne discovers Virgil’s family is dead.
- Virgil traps Michonne and drugs her.
- Michonne and the others escape and show Virgil mercy.
- Michonne finds evidence of Rick’s survival. After talking with Judith and RJ she sets off to find him.
- Beta returns to his roots where he was a country music star.
- Daryl captures Negan but is then captured by Whisperers. Luckily Negan is still on Daryl’s side.
- As Eugene’s crew make their way to meet Stephanie they come across an interesting character, Princess.